I Love The Internet

I’m not hiding it anymore — I love the internet.

For a long time I haven’t wanted to admit it. Sometimes it can feel trivial, too fluffy, hallow or the worst — even vain. Have you ever felt like this?

 But I know I love seeing what moments matter to people. I love appreciating a moment and capturing it. I love having a digital journal of what God is doing. I actually love pulling out my phone when I think “I want to tell my friends about this.”

I love sharing things. I love meeting people online. I love the creativity of the online world. I love how we’re just all out here, figuring it out together.

The internet gives me a lot of life.

This past week I was in Michigan with my family. I’ve been going to Northern Michigan since I was born and it’s always been a creative respite for me. When I go there, my brain easily shifts into creator mode. When I was little I would sketch floor plans and dream of being on HGTV or run around my neighborhood and take photos. When I was in high school I created my first blog on our cabin’s couch. Throughout college I would build e-commerce sites and dream about what could be next in my creative life.

And this week I realized one thing — it’s just always been about the internet. It's always been about the connection that comes from it and the creative playground that it can be.

Why does this matter?

I think a lot of creatives, women, business owners, I-post-things-on-the-internet people experience some shame when talking online or pursuing connection on a social media app.

I think some of us may be silently asking “Is it okay to like this?”

I know I sometimes I do. So I’m waving my white flag: I LOVE THE INTERNET. I KNOW GOOD CAN COME FROM IT!

Sure, there are issues, comparison can trap us and another’s highlight reel can discourage us. And yes, we have to keep our identity tied to our Creator or else anything we create (online or off) will make us feel like we’ve come up short.

But if you like sharing your life, if you enjoy filming videos, talking on stories or filtering your photos a certain way – if you find wordy captions to be healing and want to keep sharing your life – if it makes you feel creative — please, keep it up! (And if you’ve always wanted to — please, BEGIN!)

You are creative because God is. Your creativity brings Him glory. 

I’ve decided it’s okay - I love the internet, too. It’s a gift. Join me in owning it?

With this declaration (ha!) — I’m bringing back The Liveliness List.

 Expect a thought like this and a few things from the past week that gave me life. My hope with these lists is that you find a tip, trick or take away item that can make your life livelier.

Here we go! Scroll on for five things that have been giving me life lately.


I got these in the mail last night and let me just tell you - they are even better in person! I might have an addiction to glassware 😅 but these are so worth it!

Find them here!


This song has been on repeat for me lately! Good mood booster, kind of summery and also a good message. Win, win, win!

Listen here


We're all friends here right? We can talk about good sports bras! If you're in the market for one - I love this one so much!!

Find it here

other workout picks:



This habit has really changed my year. Every morning right when I wake up, I write stream of consciousness in my notes app. I aim for a full “page". After, I start my prayer routine. It's really helped me clear my head and ground me for the day.


This is a little fancy – but seriously sparks joy. I got this drawer paper on Amazon and it smells so good and lines your dresser beautifully! I love it in my Bird House bedroom!

Find here!

What are your favorites?

I'm all ears! Comment below and tell us what gave you life this week!

Need prayer? I would be honored to pray for you. Send me your intentions, too!

Lottie Aldarwish

Lottie is an artist, designer, illustrator and art teacher who loves infusing unusual colors and pattern into her work. She lives by the Atlantic Ocean in Nova Scotia, Canada with her husband and 2 sons. Find her work at lottiemade.com.


The Bird House X Poppy & Pink 🕊️
