Introducing ... Resurrected Collective!

Big news: we just changed our name! Basically, Resurrected just got Resurrected. ;-)

We are SO excited for this new era of what used to be The Resurrected Woman. If you are here, thanks for joining us as we grow!

This space is no longer just about a woman but a collective, a community and place to celebrate life fully alive. We are pursuing liveliness and we boldly believe that we are on the rise.

But why?

As this little passion project grew over the past year, Iā€™ve learned a big lesson: Our lives are not and cannot be compartmentalized. Living a life resurrected requires embracing all that comes with truly living - your daily, faith, relationships, work, fashion, purpose, dreams ā€¦ everything. We are made multidimensional, multi passionate people. Most importantly, this is no mistake. I believe we are purposely made dynamically. We must be not only living a full life, but embracing our full person.

Our lives are collections of moments, passions and most importantly, a lot of people, each shaping us differently than the next. When approaching life with a collective attitude, we can be free to be, embrace our true selves and life fully.

It is only when we live into the collective of our lives that we can truly be made resurrected women.

With this, The Resurrected Woman turns Resurrected Collective.

Resurrected collective is a gathering of thoughts + things empowering you on your pursuit of liveliness. We believe boldly and walk gracefully. We have hopeful hearts and ambitious spirits. We are on the rise.

We daringly hope to serve not just parts of your life but fully embrace every part of it. For only when we embrace our entire self + experience can we truly live this life fully alive.

We are so excited and we hope you are too. Follow along on Instagram @resurrectedcollective and let us know, what makes your life fully alive?

Lottie Aldarwish

Lottie is an artist, designer, illustrator and art teacher who loves infusing unusual colors and pattern into her work. She lives by the Atlantic Ocean in Nova Scotia, Canada with her husband and 2 sons. Find her work at

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