If you loved someone like you, what would you do for them?

On How We Treat Ourselves

I remember sitting at my tiny kitchen table. I had just made myself dinner. I laid out a placement - just for me. I was using my nice plates - in the middle of the week, just for me. I challenged myself to sit and eat without distraction - just for me.

At the time, I was living in a 400 square foot carriage house / shed (LOL) lovingly nicknamed “The Butterfly Bungalow." I had just moved miles away from anyone I knew and this tiny house felt handed to me by God as a place to hide away and be me.

That night, in the light of my nice taper candles, I started to cry. They weren't sad tears - I was crying at the realization of healing. 

While doing my dishes, I typed out these words. I wrote this reflection over a year ago but I still read it often. I need these words. We need these words.


I’ve had the most groundbreaking week.

Nothing huge has happened. But a lot of little things have. Just because I started asking myself one question: “If I loved someone just like me, what would I do for her?”

Here’s what I’ve discovered:

I would make her a nice dinner. Every night. And yes, I’d make the extra stop at the grocery store on my way home. Even with the traffic. Even when I don’t want to.

I would make sure she gets her time with God in the morning — it’s where all good comes from. I wouldn’t rush it. She needs a minute.

I would light the nice candles. And use the fun dishes. And buy the flowers. And set the table like it’s a special occasion every single night. I would celebrate her life.

I would remind her to go on that run. At whatever pace she wants. I agree, she feels great when she’s done.

I would put down my phone. She doesn’t deserve distracted, you know?

I would complete that task that’s bugging her. She doesn’t need to think about it anymore. I would do my best to free her up!

I would play the music she loves loud. In the morning and at night. I would make things fun.

I would figure out which supplements she needs to take or what foods aren’t making her feel good. I would jump at the chance to take care of her.

I would encourage her to create - just to recreate. It makes her come alive and I’d like to see her that way.

I would agree with her when she felt that she needed to say no. She does have a lot on her plate and she doesn’t have to do it all.

I would save some money for her. She’s got a big future. Cash helps.

I would make sure she goes to bed early, she always has a big day tomorrow and sleep is her favorite sport.

I would tell her to wear the fun clothes. And not worry about it anymore. Why is she saving them? She looks good!

I would tell her to use her voice. I’d remind her that she’s got some serious gifts and that she should take the risks.

I wouldn’t be cheap with her — I would give her the best. I would give her my time. 

That her is me. That her is you.

Why aren’t you doing these things for yourself?

Why wasn’t I? 


We are called to take care - to love our neighbor, as we do ourselves.

What would you do this weekend if you loved someone who was just like you? I hope we're wise enough to give ourselves what we need. God always does - follow His lead.



Things that Made this Week Livelier

LOVE the fit of this dress! Easy to dress up or down. So perfect. Tons of colors if you search anthro!

2. Spotify DJ

Recently discovered this Spotify feature where they just play music for you - love it. Well, the DJ talking to you is a little weird but otherwise - 10/10.

SOOO good. Must Watch.

Is there anything better and easier than a shirt dress? Love this one.

Speaking of taking care of ourselves!


I'm all ears! Comment below and tell us what gave you life this week!

Need prayer? I would be honored to pray for you. Send me your intentions, too!

Live Lively,



Heavenly Things in our Earthly Hands


On Crying to Sweet Caroline ❤️