The 5 Step Prayer Routine that Resurrects my Daily
The best thing to come out of quarantine? A consistent prayer routine. I’m sure you’ve heard it a million times before, prayer changes everything. But have you experienced those often talked about changes in your own life?
This routine has allowed me to see those miracles + changes unfold in my own life. If you keep consistent with it, I’m sure you will too.
We all want the perfect prayer practice. But where do you start?
I move through these 5 steps like clockwork and the holy spirit equips me for the day.
Let’s walk through each one.
With coffee in hand, I open my journal, grab a pen and just start writing.
Here’s the key here … I write whatever I want. Sometimes it’s random thoughts, other times it's a poetic prayer. Sometimes these pages turn out to be an illegible list.
I make it my goal to fill 3 pages with passing thoughts and petition. When finished, both my brain and heart feels unblocked. I can then move into receiving what the Lord has to say to me for the day.
After the above brain dump, I read the daily readings using the iBreviary app or continue a bible study plan in the YouVersion bible app. This gives me something to digest and reflect on. After “dumping” everything out, I read The Word to fill up.
I ask The Holy Spirit to illuminate a certain verse and write it in my journal. I hang onto that verse for the rest of the day.
On this step, I make a literal t-chart in my journal. On one side I write the heading “today’s surrenders” and on the other heading I write “yesterday’s blessings.”
After writing my surrenders each day and listing blessings from the previous day, I soon pick up on a pattern and physically see how The Lord used my surrenders and delivered blessings over time. This has been a great physical way for me to see how The Lord has remained faithful and notice the miracles He is working.
Today’s Surrenders
What are surrenders? I consider them anything that I want The Lord to hold + cover. This includes people I’m praying for, projects I’m working on, parts of my heart that I want healed, and future situations I need taken care of.
Ultimately, a surrender is a prayer and a reminder that I can’t do anything without God. When ultimately surrendering my day and life, everything always works out for The Kingdom’s glory and not my own.
Yesterday’s Blessings
Next, I reflect on the previous day and make a big list of where I saw the Lord work. I try to list as many small moments as possible. It continually shows me where my fulfillment + happiness is coming from -- typically it’s from being present to my people.
Over time, these blessings add up to answered prayers. This gratitude practice also immediately changes my mindset to abundance over scarcity. I am reminded that The Lord is indeed moving in my life.
I like to end this prayer routine on a high note. This part is my favorite. I have SEEN SO MUCH happen from it.
Next, I write “Jesus, together we will …” at the top of the page.
Below, I list my biggest expectations.
What are expectations?
It’s the word I like to use for dreams and miracles.
It makes a big difference when we practice expectation instead of simply making wishes. If we really had big faith, we would expect The Lord to show up for us every time.
I try to keep things on this list big, bold and potentially miraculous. They are like goals but God-sized and Jesus is in on them. After all, we can do nothing without Him. I write the same ones every day until I reach the goal or the miracle occurs.
Need an example? Here’s a list.
I expect that we will have enough paying clients that I can work for myself after graduation
I expect that we will build a family set apart for your glory
I expect that we will [ENTER BIG DREAM HERE]
I expect that we will get hired by [DREAM COMPANY]
I expect that my mom will experience [ENTER MIRACLE]
In this case, the “we” is you + Jesus. You’re in this together.