Different Boats ⛵

Different Boats

A few months ago, my dear friend had a beautiful baby.


That night, knowing she was in labor, I worked through my evening routine and held her in my attention.


Wash your face, put on your PJs, for the love of God put your phone down.


Not even knowing what to ask for, I did my best to pray. In the face of something this big — what do you even say?


As I was climbing into bed, she FaceTimed me and immediately spoke into the camera, “Hi, can you just tell me about your date?”


In my world, it had been a big weekend of boy drama.


Realizing that this moment could use some distraction, I launched into details with as much theatrics as I could muster.


I couldn’t believe it — my friend had just had a baby, and what she thought could help would be to call me and hear this ridiculous story.


Same water. Different boats. 

This is friendship in your 20s.


Last night my friend and I got Mexican to celebrate … but we spent most of the time talking about grief and what to do when you’re suffering. A paradox — free flowing tears chased by the clink of celebratory margaritas.


Waves crest and fall again — all we can do is ride them. 

This is friendship in your 20s.


I sat at work this week, chugging through a to-do list. I routinely clicked over and checked my messages. I was immediately taken aback — how can all this happen while I’m here at my desk?


News of birth, rings, lives changed

Bad jobs, crazy bosses, requests for feedback, “have you seen this?!”

Old wounds, new homes, interviews, voice memos from commutes

Daily normalcy, unanswered pleas

Hopes realized, dreams dashed, so much Taylor Swift

Clients, Hinge date updates, prayer requests, coffee shop recs

Some high school, other new friends, songs to listen to …

All this news, just in on a Wednesday.


We are an entire fleet — out at sea.

All in the current of something.


May we look down at our feet and see we are right where we need to be — even when it feels rocky — the seas always steady.


We are all headed towards a good destination. How beautiful is it to think about this from the view of heaven. Same water. Different boats — all caught in the current of Him drawing us in.  


Grateful to be your friend — smooth sailing ahead!




P.S. to my amazing friends — in you, I have the best. To paddling together, forever.

Things that Made this Week Livelier

1. Mood Board Hack

I bought a 8ft x 4ft piece of insulation at Lowes ($15!) and with the help of a staple gun, covered it with fabric. Cheap way to make the perfect mood board. Add to your weekend project roster!

Loving everything from this guy.

Encouragement to keep going — aka something we all need.

Loving the many ways to wear this. Use code “CAROLINEL” for a discount at checkout!

I got this toiletry set for Christmas and am loving the upgrade. Three perfect sized bags with washable insides. 

Live Lively,



A Rising Tide 🌊


What do you do with an answered prayer?