A Rising Tide 🌊

There’s Something in the Water

A rising tide lifts all boats. Today, the tide feels high. 

And I know why. There must be something in the water. I think it’s this — 

“I see you. You can do it. I was once where you were … try this. Do you want a coffee? I’ll call you in five. I left something on your porch! That’s a great color on you. Dinner Thursday? Have you met (blank)? Let’s celebrate. You’re safe to cry. Here’s my therapist’s number. Can I help you with that? I’ll send you the link. I understand. Keep talking. Are you creating? I am so proud of you. I am praying. I believe. Thank you for telling me. What can I do for you?”

There are women riding waves all around me — searching for new jobs, building creative dreams, muscling through chemotherapy, praying desperately, taking care of their babies, putting on daily bravery, tending to their marriages, letting themselves be seen, saying yes, bringing joy, welcoming others in, being a place where souls can unfold …

And the tides are on the rise because of the words they share. Their encouragement, thoughtfulness, delight, and generosity.

 To all women: Thank you for doing the work of exploring the sea and showing us there is no limit to what we can be. Please, keep going. 

Happy International Women's Day!


Things that Made this Week Livelier

1. Collage Night

My friend Ellery hosted a little collage night at her house on Sunday. It was so fun to chat with some friends and feel like a kid in art class again. Plan one with you gals!!

Make your work space feel like Paris.

Love a chocolate chip cookie.

Ordered these last week inspired by Wells — love them.

I've mentioned this book before, but I've recently started re-reading it. It is such a helpful book for prayer and healing.

Live Lively,



The Trenches ⛰️


Different Boats ⛵