Noticing | Volume 8

Wednesday tradition! A collection of things I’ve been noticing:

+ This comment from Aubrey

I can’t stop thinking about this perspective. Aubrey mentioned the other day that she was “just adding more stamps to her life passport!” and I thought it was a great way to frame the gathering of experiences or capture growth. Have you moved to a city? Graduated college? Made a new friend? Changed jobs? Put yourself out there? Failed dates? Good dates? Spoke up for yourself? Tried something new? So many stamps!!! I want to sketch a life passport and start adding to it.

+ My Friend Alyse’s substack

My amazingly cool, wise friend Alyse started a substack. I really enjoyed this reflection on August. Take a read! Subscribe!

+ Jcrew Catalogue

I have been laughing at a quote I saw that said, “Is Jcrew killing it, or am I just 36.” I love Jcrew. They brought back their catalog, which I find so interesting and hopeful (?). Is this a return to what social media stole from us? Can we have both? This label collection, too - omg. Inspo!!

+ New Hill House Fall

All my picks below! This brown jacket - love. This dress, still want. This one I would wear all the time. The green!

+ Wisdom from my mom

My mom made me repeat this back to her on the phone this week: “When I am feeling anxious or triggered, I will get very quiet and ask the small girl inside of me, “What do you need?” Um—sob????? So helpful. It makes your needs clear in an instant.

+ Feeling so proud of this brand

I feel like a broken record but I am loving ShopMy!! For me and for my clients. No weird gatekeeping, such great ease of use. Sign up here! Everyone!

+ Cold plunging and suffering

I’ve been on a cold plunging/sauna kick for the past month. I go on Tuesdays at 5:45 and join a gang of muscle men and nice women in some physical torture. And it is so helpful!!! Yesterday, the quote on the board read, “The more voluntary suffering you experience, the less involuntary suffering will appear.” It really caught my attention. Fight the resistance, do the thing—you are strong! Put yourself out there. Face your fears. The time is now.

+ Cheesy TV for all

Who else is watching The Perfect Couple??!

What are you noticing? Tell me in the comments!

Thinking of you!




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