Purple Ceilings


I often think about a conversation I had with my grandma a few years ago. We were talking about how I planned to decorate my house. “With lots of color,” I told her, “I might even paint the ceilings purple.”

She encouraged me to “Please, do!” as she reflected on the fact that she never owned a house as a single woman or had the chance to put whatever she wanted on her walls.

Last February, I had a dear mentor of mine say clearly, “There is no ceiling for you" and it gave me the permission to take risks that I otherwise might not have.


Today I will call the bank and write my own business checks. I will do exactly what I feel I was called to do — in an office I call my own. Surrounded by decor of my own preference, in a city I moved to on my own.


I talked to my grandma again on Sunday and she reflected the same advice back to me – “Enjoy! Travel! Wear what you love! Meet new people! Keep building!" She didn't get to do these things like I can.

I now often like to say to myself, “paint the ceilings purple!” because the ceilings have been raised for me — by the women who came before me. Now I get to paint them, whatever color I choose.


This girlhood isn’t without the womanhood that came before me.

What an honor to follow in these footsteps. What a great privilege it is to be a woman in this wake. 


Keep raising and painting your ceilings,


C 🦋

Things that Made this Week Livelier

New Noticings  — Volume 7

On repeat in the office.

Perfect wrist reminder! Or gift!

3. Rosary Walk

This is my favorite way to pray and build community with women. Low pressure. High reward. 

Got these in the mail!! Obsessed with pop of red!

Yes, these are as good as people say. They create a cave? They feel like self-care? Add to your wishlist! 

Live Lively,



Noticing | Volume 8


Noticing | Volume 7