On Routine

I have always struggled with the concept of routine. In my mind, it's something that sounds boring and maybe a little bit like settling. I've always been one to desire the "interesting," instead.

However, I've been learning a lot about how structure usually correlates to success. While feeling overwhelmed, like I was sinking (not at all swimming) and that I could in no way be present - in the name of pursuing interesting, I knew something had to change. I was sick of saying I wanted things to be different, that I wanted to be doing things, and not doing them.

Through prayer, I realized what I was craving (to my surprise): routine.

Here is some truth I've discovered: Our every moment adds up to become our entire lives. How we spend our gifted days, turns into our story. What we decide to prioritize and habitually do every single day, quite literally becomes our beings.

What we decide to prioritize and habitually do every single day, quite literally becomes our beings.

This can be a daunting thought, all these moments can seem to be fleeting. I hate feeling like Iā€™m not stewarding my time well.

So while I desired to become more present and use my days well, I was feeling like I had so much to work on so I wouldn't do anything at all.

However, I think Iā€™ve discovered a secret: my mornings, my routines.

To begin to intentionally embed certain practices in your life that moves you closer to who you want to be is truly transformational.

To begin to intentionally embed certain practices in your life that move you closer to who you want to be is a truly transformational discipline. 

So what does this look like? While I am nowhere near perfect and I still always need to show myself a ton grace, I've found that deciding on and holding myself accountable to small daily steps in the form of planned routines is dramatically making things happen in my life.

For example, for the past two weeks, I've been working on getting up earlier. It hasn't been great to climb out of my bed so early but wow, it has been beyond transformational. Carving out this simple extra hour helps me center myself for my day ahead. It means time to wash my face, be still and pray, take my vitamins, make my bed, and even organize my to-do list.

It has made me feel capable and filled with the spirit. Trust me, that feeling is worth anything.

With this routine change and a fight to create new habits, I have experienced great freedom, an ability to be present, hearing the Lord's voice clearly and a happier mood. I am less anxious, I make more progress and I'm growing in greater intimacy with the Lord.

But what's the point? I just encourage you to take control of your minutes. What are some small daily steps you can decide on that can truly set you on an actionable path? Is it waking up earlier? Putting your phone away at night? Making your bed? Carving out time for your friends?

Whatever it is - I suggest you look at your routines and habits. Remember, what you do every day becomes your life.

What do you want your life to be? You are worth it and the things the Lord is whispering in your heart are worth pursuing. Make a habit for it!

Make a habit for it.

I've been finding great life in routine! Maybe it is in discipline & deciding on what you want your daily life to look like that freedom truly lies.



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