Who is Caroline?

TRW has grown and I wanted to introduce myself! While I wouldn't really consider myself "The Resurrected Woman," I do believe in striving to live a resurrected lifestyle. I believe we can all be made resurrected women. There is grace enough!

I write the content, take the pictures, make the jewelry, and most importantly love engaging with you. I’m into freedom, good conversation, and pursuing great goals. I think our lives can be transformed when we rebuild and truly seize each of our days.  

I’m a sophomore college student at Miami University in Oxford, OH. I study marketing, entrepreneurship & a little bit of fashion. I’m passionate about creativity and elevating life by seizing your daily. I’m in a sorority, plan fashion shows and love “working on life.”

I thought to truly introduce myself I would share my personal mission statement. This embodies who I aim to be. Afterall, I think your identity always lies in who you are working on becoming.


To live abundantly and fully alive

To understand that life is a gift

To rise by lifting others

To be present yet purposeful with the future that lies before me

To show love, practice mercy and embody humility

To be positive, grateful and uplifting

To be bold in my dreams, hopes and plans

To rejoice in pain and hardship, knowing that it is only that which produces character, perseverance and strength

To admit mistakes and reinvent failures

To steward well my heart, days, skills and the gifts I have been given

To be a vulnerable fighter, knowing that nothing is too big for my God

To take heart and adopt courage in my daily

To practice patience towards myself and this world

To travel the path of greater growth

To throw off a spirit of fear and choose instead confidence and trust

To not only serve those I encounter but deeply care for their beings

To be a cheering, encouraging voice

To seek freedom

To prioritize laughter

To show up for myself and my dreams

To be a human first, and look for Christ alone in others

To practice creativity as a force to change this world

To embrace and fulfill my lifelong call to liveliness

To live resurrected, anyways





On Routine


Just Show Up