Why The Resurrected Woman?

“You have come seeking Jesus crucified, he is not here. He has been risen, just as he said.”

Matthew 28:6

I have realized something lately - I think oftentimes, we can get in the habit of expecting suffering over life, glorifying hardships over brave positivity, living with burdens more than we are meant to, and seeking nothing more than Jesus crucified. As women, we can get stuck sometimes and begin to carry a lot more than what is meant for our hands & hearts.

We are made for way more than this. We were made new life. We are called to expect nothing less.

A real, resurrected faith to me means that when you go out, you expect him to come with you and infuse his life in all you do. That you rely on him so much that you cannot do anything but rest in and expect fully in him. That you would be so bold, that unless he shows up, you would fall straight on your face.

So with this, The Resurrected Woman, that is my effort. 

I'm sure you have heard the "good news," that Jesus died for us out of his great love. This is important, but I would like to propose a refocus - shifting our thoughts so we remember that he fully came back to life, conquering the grave, just for us, too. So that we may have life and have it to the full - that nothing may stop at death.

The Resurrected Woman is set out to remind all that we are made for nothing less than a life resurrected. We strive to empower women to accept the invitation of life through the truth and power of the resurrection. We encourage a lifestyle of true expectancy of the Lord in all we do. We believe boldly and walk gracefully, even amidst the daily difficulties, knowing he promises us to give us life.

Through real conversation, connection and meaningful products, let’s seek Jesus the resurrected instead.

Let’s be resurrected anyways.

Join in on our why. Connect with us on social media - @theresurrectedwoman!

This is only the beginning, so welcome, welcome, welcome!


A Resurrection Lesson From Butterflies