A Resurrection Lesson From Butterflies

“How does one become a butterfly” she asked
“You must want to become a butterfly so bad that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar”

You must be expectant of flight.

I love this because of its immense truth and the way it very simply sums up what it means to be and be a resurrected woman. Think - to know what’s possible, to have faith in the fuller, in the freedom, in the wings, changes things. Willingness to rise and genuine hope that it is possible, is the only thing that could even begin to lift a caterpillar, as silly as that sounds, out of the safety of crawling and into flight. Sure life is all good and fine without those wings I’ll bet, but is that really being resurrected? Is that settling in safety fulfilling its real purpose & demonstrating faith? Is that being expectant?

Out of a caterpillar comes the true beauty and grace of a new creation.

This spirit of newness has wings, it flies, in freedom.

There is nothing about a caterpillar that tells you it could become a butterfly.

There is nothing about a crucified Christ that tells you He will rise again.

This same power, that rises, lies within you.

Become the butterfly.

However, maybe it's not that simple. Consider the darkness, consider the transformation, consider the fear that comes right before the wings. Now think of the quitting that could have happened there..

Then look back to the wings. What a spirit of expectancy the mere miracle of a butterfly demonstrates to us. For to survive such a transformation, this miracle had to expect the resurrection part of the transformation - they had to expect in a fullness of life and freedom, they had to put trust in this promise.

And with that faith, came wings - wings that fly with such beauty, freedom and joy.

What a gift. What a hope.

If the Lord can do this to a caterpillar just think what he can do to you.

Expect in this promise, expect in the freedom that is coming when leaning into the resurrection.

Understand that resurrection lies on the other side of transformation.

Do not grip safety, there are wings out there, made just for you, if only you had open hands, if only you leaned into this, if only you said to yourself, “Yes - This is what I want.”

Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, it became a butterfly.

May we expect that we will rise with wings. May we know the resurrection is ours.

Pray for butterflies today. God loves to send them.



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