You Are What You Follow

Developing a life giving social media environment

To be still, to listen, and to relax into the present is one of our greatest challenges. To go-go-go, to run, to breath heavy, to get ahead, to do more is becoming our forced constant routine. To record, to share, to compare can become our greatest temptation.

However, the Lord calls us to silence, to listening. After all, his voice is gentle, quiet and found in the still.

I personally have a hard time answering this call to stillness, but I have found that curating the content I consume on social media into something life giving, and inspiring can make life lighter.

A little intentionality goes a long way. Being more conscious about who you spend your online time with and how you manage it, feelings of scarcity, pressure, comparison and discontentment can begin to lift.

With all this time spent on social media, we are constantly hearing, seeing, monitoring & comparing - it can call us out of silence. With constant online connection, we have the opportunity to hear many many voices, nonstop and daily, so we might as well choose the right ones to listen to.

I’m sure you have heard the saying, and reality, that you become like the 5 people you spend most of your time with. We are influenced heavily by what and who we are around. Let’s shift this idea to our current daily life and with all the time spent on our phones, one could argue that you can become most like the 5 or 10 accounts you follow closely online. You can create your own culture just based on the people you follow. This is a frightening thought - who do you want to be?

The beautiful part about this is that you are almost completely in control of what content you are exposed to most. YOU have the power to change constant online connection into something healthy and purposeful rather than distracting from God's voice. With this comes freedom, increased silence, and the beginnings of peace.

Reports say that women are spending up to 9 hours a day on social media. If we are spending this much time online, we might as well use it for good - to propel our lives forward in a positive way - to support us in leading a resurrected lifestyle.

Taking control of your online social life can be a good, small first step in welcoming stillness, confidence and positivity.


Get the facts

Take a step back and really look at how much of your time is eaten up by social media. I have recently been using an app called Moment that tracks the amount of time I spend on my phone. It even tells me how many times I pick it up daily & it has most definitely served as a good wake up call.

Cut the time down

Life is happening now. In order to ease into the present, be content with ourselves and take a minute to breathe, putting our phones away can be a good first step. Beginning with small goals such as not going to sleep or waking up to your screen or maybe putting the phone away when walking to class can make for a great start.

Listen to yourself

After spending all this time listening to others on the internet it’s hard to find a moment of silence to really listen to yourself and the holy spirit within you. Take a moment - what do you believe in? What do you want to learn and support? What brings you joy? What do you like to see, hear and feel daily? What do YOU want for yourself? What are you being called to? Stand firm in this.

Edit your following list

After checking in with your own thoughts and feelings - edit down the people you follow. Going in with an intentional attitude and unfollowing those who really aren’t doing you any good, or worse, bringing you down, can really help avoid negativity in the future. Select those you surround yourself with carefully.

Discover more people

Reach out, do some searching! Finding people who are like you, push you to be better, and inspire you can make your online time much more life giving.

Turn future comparison into inspiration

As women, the temptation of comparison can be overwhelming - especially with constant connection in our pockets. Practicing changing “I wish” to “Wow! Maybe I’ll try that!” or changing the narrative to “she is beautiful, strong and a daughter of God, and I am too” can change feelings of scarcity to creativity, self growth and determination.

Start participating

After all, social media is meant to be social. When taking initiative and reaching out to the people behind accounts you love, when encouraging all women you follow and being your authentic self on and off the screen, your online social time can be much, much more fulfilling and purposeful.

Let’s stop social media from controlling us and instead control it for our better: to encourage, be inspired and glorify God in all that we do. This is an act of loving yourself and those around you! This is important, this is your life!



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