Will the Green Smoothies Save Us?

Happy 2023! If you're like me, you love the new year and live for a fresh start. I've been a bit of a goals junkie since I was kid. Lately, been watching reels about goals and morning routines and wondering what I can do to be “better.” The Lord convicted me about it and gave me these words.

I hope they help you, inspire a sigh of relief, and remind you that you're held by grace and renewed by mercy every day.

A few years ago I asked a priest friend to tell me about his morning routine. Because at one time, I figured this was the most important thing I needed to know about the life of someone I admire.

Recently Jesus reminded me of that moment and helped me realize that they don’t really talk about morning routines in heaven. They speak more about virtue, truth and beauty.

I can have a perfect morning routine and still not grow in love.

I can run a fast mile and not be familiar with what it means to have faith.

I can drink a green smoothie every day and not be ignited by Hope.

I can conquer a to-do list before 10 am and still not be transformed by joy.

I can rise before the sun and still not be resurrected by grace.

I think discipline is important. I know excellence matters. I think growth is a mark of intimacy with Christ. But the pursuit of Him has to come first. The routine alone isn’t going to do it. We can’t boil sanctification down to a few steps before the sun comes up.

If I master an “ideal morning routine”, it will be the fruit of following God. It will not be because of trendy tik toks or my own might — and it won’t be the most important thing about me.

I want to pursue God more than I pursue daily checklist perfection. I want to care more about a life of abundance than a life of lists that won’t necessarily get me there.

I want to start asking more interesting questions than, “What’s your morning routine?” I want to get curious about what God is doing in people instead. 

We can’t life hack your way to intimacy with God and the green smoothies help, but they are not the thing that will save us.

Maybe what we can achieve every morning doesn’t matter so much - maybe what matters is that everyday we're stay awake to what God is doing. 

I really like this book. I'm excited about really living a Sabbath practice this year because of it and it's renewed my view of work.

I've never felt cool enough to wear tennis shoes with every outfit. But these changed that for me. I'm wearing them on repeat

3. The Vision Exercise

A few friends and I gathered to talk goals on Jan 1. We started our time together with my new favorite exercise:

Set a timer for 5 minutes. Grab a piece of paper. Answer “[Your friend's name]'s life in 2024 will be like …” and write all that comes to mind. 

Sometimes, casting vision for other people can be easier. This was a really beautiful way to get there! Call your friends! Do this for each other!

I'll admit it – I bought the headband that everyone on TikTok wears. And I love it. It makes getting ready and doing skincare fun. It's terry cloth and cute. I recommend.

My word of the year is faithfulness. You can read more about it below. (Also, I love hearing your words! I'm so excited for all of you.)


I'm all ears! Comment below and tell us what gave you life this week!

Need prayer? I would be honored to pray for you. Send me your intentions, too!

Live Lively,



On People Pleasing


On Judging Ourselves 💘