Noticing | Volume 2

Back again with a little litany of things I’m seeing!

+ Prime Sale

Have you been bombarded yet?? Apple headphones are my favorite thing I bought this year. On sale here. I’m considering a Breville. Has it changed your life? Will it change mine? More picks here.

+ Cherries? Trendy?

Maybe it’s because I just got home from a few weeks in “the cherry capital,” but I’m seeing cherries everywhere. Like this clip. I also am seeing everyone wearing cherry red. The next trending fruit? I know strawberries had their moment. Are cherries next?

+ Can we talk about Inside Out 2?

I saw it this weekend with my friend Alex. We both had a visceral reaction to the movie and its themes. It just hits so close to home! It is so deeply creative. It’s such a helpful framework for thinking about feelings! Also, it is soooo IFS coded (if you speak therapy). I need to go see it again and bring a journal. Have you seen it yet?

+ Thifting and the “Underconsumption Aesthetic”

I know this is ironic, considering this post is led by Prime. But I am seeing more content about TikTok and IG's “underconsumption” aesthetic, and there is something so comforting about it. I spent the weekend with my friend Alex, a thrifting queen. I am honestly quite the consumer, but I am newly inspired by the drive to take care of things, consume less, or just be more thoughtful about shopping habits. I’ve also been thinking about how my things will be left behind. I wear a bracelet daily, which was once a gift my great-grandma got from one of her ex-boyfriends (HA!) I love it and wonder where my things will find themselves after I’m gone. I want my things to mean something to me and others. Is this something I want to leave behind? This feels like a helpful shopping filter.

+ What do you want to be true? What do you want to hang on to?

I asked myself these questions while catching myself ruminating on various things. They snap me out of negative thoughts and help me let go. More freedom please!

+ No Lie 25

Kicking my butt (and me into gear).

+ Long-Distance Communication

Many of my close friends and meaningful relationships don’t live near me. I have a lot of long-distance in my life and two routine text exchanges in my day-to-day drive connection. First, my friend and I often say, “making a journal entry,” and share random thoughts and vulnerable things. It feels like shedding light on daily happenings without expectation or high pressure. Next, my friend and I share our “interesting things of the day” with each other. What was interesting today? I love this question. It brings out little moments and intimacies I might otherwise miss in a typical daily recap.

What are you noticing this week? I love a comment. Feel free to leave one!




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We'll Get There When We Get There 🛣️