Resurrecting Her, Too

In celebration of Saint John Paul the Second's feast day last week, I read his wonderful exhortation to women, the Feminine Genius. 


However, in the past week I have been looking around and oftentimes seeing women sitting weak, afraid or unsupported instead of confident in their gifts and valuable contributions like Saint John Paul II encourages.

I've been reflecting & praying on the concept of why? Why? If we inherently have all these gifts, abilities, and God-given ways, just by merely being a daughter, then why do a lot of women I know not feel like they embody or are harnessing any power at all?

Saint John Paul II writes:

"Necessary emphasis should be placed on the "genius of women", not only by considering great and famous women of the past or present, but also those ordinary women who reveal the gift of their womanhood by placing themselves at the service of others in their everyday lives. For in giving themselves to others each day women fulfill their deepest vocation. Perhaps more than men, women acknowledge the person, because they see persons with their hearts. They see them independently of various ideological or political systems. They see others in their greatness and limitations; they try to go out to them and help them. In this way, the basic plan of the Creator takes flesh in the history of humanity and there is constantly revealed, in the variety of vocations, that beauty-not merely physical, but above all spiritual-which God bestowed from the very beginning on all, and in a particular way on women." Saint John Paul II

We see people with our hearts.

A thought that has been echoing & upwelling in my heart lately is a reminder that here, in this place there is room for us all. Do not panic, do not worry - there has already been a space created for you, there is room enough. Be still. This thought has been fueling my answer to the above question.

I believe women have a unique battle. The individual girl and communities alike can be plagued by deep jealousy, a strong insecurity that feeds unnecessary competition, fear, and a girl vs. girl culture. However, when this barrier is broken, women truly rise. Not just the woman, but women. We all do, with a unique unstoppable force that fulfills the call to seeing & loving all people.

For when helping to resurrect her too, it can also raise you.

Defeating this girl vs. girl tendency is vital in letting the women's genius fully become, grow and be put to use in this world. I believe if we are to counteract the common woman's defeat we would need to build groups of equipped, supportive women who believed in their bones, that they were enough and that at the top, they would each have a place to stand.

I pray for armies of women who cheer each other on in both victory and defeat, for places where jealousy does not live because the knowledge that there is room for us all runs deep, for communities that stomp out insecurity with the fierce, womanly practice of love and understanding. Imagine a world like this. Sister, I want this for all of us.

I believe it all starts to work when we choose to lift one another. To remove yourself from the temptation and false idea that you are lacking so you can carry and support the people, and women, for whom you have been given the gift for seeing.

For we can talk about girl power for the rest of our lives, but we will only embody true power if we are willing to hand over some to another woman and let them run beside us, together. We can do nothing alone.

Release your grip, there is room enough for all of us.

Here's to resurrected communities & armies of women everywhere. When women use their girl power to empower other women, big things happen.


I am a beloved daughter of Christ
I am loved, I am strong, I am seen, I am necessary.
I am a vessel of the Holy Spirit.
I have the power and gift to see and love others fully.
I am a courageous faith-filled servant.
I am beautifully made.
I am filled with the life of Christ.
I am capable of almighty things.

The Lord seeks me
The Lord loves me
The Lord has created enough space for me
The Lord intends me for a special, unique purpose

Today I will rise up, and raise others with me
Today I will love myself as God loves me.
Today I will embrace the Holy Spirit.
Today I refuse to be anyone other than who God has made me to be.

I will step out in faith
I will accept his grace
I will walk in his love
I will remain in him

Thank you, Lord, for this day
Thank you, Lord, for this life
Thank you, Lord, for me!


We can change the world, with the gift & ability we have to see others.

I challenge you today to, without attachment, concern, or jealousy, lay insecurity down enough to lift up and reach out to another woman. Acknowledge the beauty in her.

Resurrect her, too.



Just Show Up


Fanning Your Flame